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Cloud Governance

Establish a managed, secure, multi-account environment. 


Automate environment configuration and integrate governance into your AWS workloads. 

Manage the billing and environment of multiple accounts by creating groups under specific policies. 

Visualize management processes with a dashboard that tracks your protections. 

Used tools

AWS Control Tower 

Set up automatic governance and a new secure environment with multiple AWS accounts. 

AWS Organizations 

Centrally manage your environment while scaling AWS resources. 

AWS Security Hub 

Visualize in one place and manage alerts and security checks automatically. 

Amazon GuardDuty 

Automate continuous monitoring and intelligent threat detection to protect your AWS accounts, workloads, and data. 

Amazon Well-Architected Tool

Framework with recommendations on how to optimize management and governance.

AWS Service Catalog 

Create, share, organize, and govern your selected IaC models.

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